Sansnom a écrit:RESOLU
Merci à toi Maho ! Voici un complément pour résoudre le pb intégralement via ma synthèse :
Je vous sers tout sur un plateau car vous le valez bien
Voici la note technique de chez BMW provenant de DriveS de :
"Whilst cruising at higher speeds, typically on the motorway during constant throttle, there is an intermittent jolt like a misfire. the jolt / misfire / hesitation occurs once only.Typical speeds under which the complaint is present are; 1800 / 2000 rpm @ 60 / 70 mph
During cruising, EGR regulation takes place;- typically when re-applying the accelerator pedal. The actual air consumed by the engine increases but the measured value (actual value from HFM) does not rise proportionally in order for favourable fuelling to take place, this is because the EGR is open and an element of unmetered air negatively effects the calculated. The engine hesitates briefly as a result.
In the event of complaint, carry out the following;
- Adjust the EGR, adjust rate of fresh calculated during EGR to +40
- To do this use the service function of the DDE, adjust it by adding the value 40
- End with programming the DDE using the option in the ABL
- Following successful manipulation, let the vehicle assume sleep mode and then check the status of the EGR by entering the test module once more to ensure the value has taken place before carrying out a thorough road test.
Carrying out the above procedure does not constitute a fault with the engine as the wear
characteristics of the engine and ancillaries may necessitate the need to adapt the DDE running parameters accordingly.
It should however, be noted that the air and fuel system should be fault free prior to
adopting such a change."
Le réglage en question n'est plus possible sur les dernières versions de ISTA, j'ai d'ailleurs essayé sans succès. Il est possible de le faire uniquement avec DIS v57 FR. (Avec le DIS v57 EN, quand on arrive au réglage, le DIS sort l'erreur 100.723)
=> Ne perdez votre temps installez direct le DIS v57 FR, voici le lien : (aller en bas liens torrent)
Un grand Merci au forum les amis du diag et particulièrement à Kiki41300.
En revanche j'ai utilisé cette version de VMware : vmware-workstation_11-1-2-build-2780323_fr_121950 au lieu de VMware 6.5 qui n'a pas fonctionné.
Une fois dans le DIS, allez à ces écrans :
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